Shooter Classes
Target Scoring
Course Rules
3-D Shooter Classes Defined:
Archers participating in 3-D archery are placed into different classes based on the bow they choose to shoot as well as the attachments that are placed upon their bow. The class determines the color of stake from which the archer will shoot from. Below are a list of the different classes, and what determines the class. Bows setups can fall into more than one class, and the archer can choose which class to shoot.
1. Open – Male and female classes, any sight, any stabilizer, any release.
2. Unlimited – Male and female classes, fixed pin sight (not to be moved during shoot), any release.
3. Limited – One class, Fixed pin sight, fingers, 12″ or under stabilizer.
4. Bowhunter – Male and female classes, any bow, fixed pin sight, 12″ or under stabilizer, screw-in points, any release.
5. Advanced Bowhunter – Male and female classes, any bow, moveable sight, 12″or under stabilizer, screw-in points, any release.
6. Senior – 55+, male and female classes, any bow, fixed pin sight, 12″ or under stabilizer, screw-in points, any release.
7. Traditional – One class, selfbow, longbow, recurve. No sights, no sight markings.
8. Youth: 13-16 – One class, any bow, any sight, fingers or release.
9. Cub: 8-12 – One class, any bow, any sight, fingers or release.
10. PeeWee – 7 and under, one class, any bow, any sight, fingers or release.
Shooting Stakes by Class:
The above listed classes determine the color of shooting stake from which the archer will shoot. The Wapello Chiefs Bowmen use the below chart for pairing classes to their corresponding color of shooting stake.

3-D Archery Course Rules / Etiquette:
Below are some 3-D archery course rules and etiquette the Wapello Chiefs Bowmen would like you to adhere to while visiting our course.
- All shooters MUST sign a waiver prior to shooting the course
- Field points and target points only
- One arrow per person per target
- Rangefinders and binoculars are allowed by the Wapello Chiefs Bowmen
- No walking up to target to check score rings prior to shooting
- Stay on designated course trails, no backtracking
- A part of the archers body must be touching the shooting stake when shooting
- Do not alter the course. Some shooting stakes are intentionally placed to create difficult shots.
- Please be courteous and let others shoot through if your group is a little slower
- Please clean up after yourself. If you take trash into the course, bring it back out.
Scoring Targets:
3-D archery targets feature rings that designate scoring zones. The scoring method varies depending on whether you follow ASA, IBO, or another set of rules. The Wapello Chiefs Bowmen utilize a scoring system of 12, 10, 8, and 5 points. Below is an image showing a scoring zone on a 3-D archery target.

Most 3-D targets have a replaceable insert. The inserts have circular or oval rings which make up the main score zones. The smallest circle located in the center is the 12 ring. The next ring out is the 10 ring. Lastly the largest ring is the 8 ring. Any arrow that hits a part of the 3-D target outside of the 8 ring counts as a 5. Any Arrow that misses the target completely is scored as a 0.
12 Ring: The smallest circle located in the center of the insert.
10 Ring: The next ring out from the 12 ring, slightly larger and surrounding the 12 ring.
8 Ring: The largest ring on the insert, surrounding both the 10 and 12 rings. Do not confuse the replaceable insert line for the 8 ring.
5 Points: Any arrow that hits a part of the 3-D target outside of the 8 ring but still on the target.
- Exception to 5 Points: A hit to any part of the target made to look like nature or background and not part of the animal does not count as five points, and will count as a miss (0 points).
0 Points: Any arrow that misses the target completely scores as 0 points.
Some 3-D targets have foam logs, stumps, or posts that are molded into the target. Hitting one of these areas (an area of the target that is not part of the target animal) counts as a 0, unless it has a secondary scoring area located upon it.
Any arrow that breaks the line of a score ring is awarded the higher score.
Some targets have multiple scoring zones so that they can be used in all forms of archery scoring. The below target has markings for ASA style scoring. The below image shows an arrow in the center 12 ring. Two smaller rings can be seen located near the 12 ring, but within the 10 ring. These two small score zones are only used in ASA style shooting. At most archery shoots held at the Wapello Chiefs Bowmen these two small score rings would be scored as tens (10s), the same as the larger 10 ring in which they are located. A very small circular scoring zone can be seen far to the right, and just on the inner edge of the 8 ring. While keeping score at the Wapello Chiefs Bowmen this ring would score as an eight, the same as the larger 8 ring in which it is located.
The majority of the 3-D archery shoots at the Wapello Chiefs Bowmen are scored on the honor system. If you plan on turning in your score card do your best to record an honest and truthful score. Remember, shooting a high score or getting first place can be rewarding, but the main purpose of attending a 3-D shoot is to have fun.